Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- ...But These Ones Are My Favorite
| - Reach the maximum Mastery rank of three vehicles.
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| - During drag races. Drive a total of twenty miles.
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| - Complete all Challenge Missions.
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| - During Grudge Nights, win a Mod or Part.
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| - Max out the level of ten Team Members.
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| - Complete your first Drag Race during the Campaign.
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- Don't Touch, That Looks Expensive
| - Equip Epic-quality parts in all Engine slots.
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| - Win the Regional NPK event in the North Region.
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| - Win the Regional NPK event in the South Region.
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| - Win a City NPK event in any Region.
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| - Win one Legendary Part (Grudge Night)
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- Lets Get This Party Started!
| - Complete any five Challenge Missions.
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| - Have every Team Member join the team.
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| - Max out the level of one Team Member.
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| - Win ten items during Grudge Nights, these can be Parts or Mods.
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- Now We're Getting Somewhere
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| - Complete an event (Grude Night)
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| - Visit all known location on the Map.
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| - Win the National NPK event.
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| - Win the Regional NPK event in the West Region.
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| - Equip Rare-quality parts in all Engine slots.
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| - Acquire every Gold Medal for all Challenges Missions.
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- There Are Many Like It...
| - Reach the maximum Mastery rank of one vehicle.
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| - Call out Big Chief in any Grudge Night and win.
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| - Cross the finish line while experiencing a vehicle malfunction.
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| - Equip Legendary-quality parts in all Engine slots.
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| - Unlock all Challenge Vehicles for Quickplay.
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| - Have any Team Member join the team.
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| - Create a Crew or Request to join a Crew.
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| - Have any Legendary Team Member join the team.
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