Easy "Reverse Santa" Achievement
Christmas decorations and, more importantly, Christmas presents, are added to both Greenview St. and Richie R. St during the month of December. However, setting your computer's system clock to sometime in December 2018 will turn the maps Christmas themed, making this obtainable any time of year. You'll be able to tell if it has switched over when you load in because the houses will have Christmas lights on the outside.
There are 39 total gifts between the two neighborhoods and each one must be collected. There are both small packages that you can put in your backpack and large packages that must be carried to the trunk of your vehicle. Look carefully at each tree as some of them are partially or almost entirely obscured by the tree. It's recommended that you collect them all, storing the small ones in your garage storage and piling the large ones up next to it, then sell them all at once. This way it's easier to keep track of how many you have.
Greenview St.
If you've played a bit, the Greenview St presents are easy to collect. They are almost all small packages and in the living room areas of the houses, meaning it's pretty easy to slip in and snag them undetected.
There are presents in all Greenview St. houses except 104, 109, 110, and 111.
Richie R. St.
Unsurprisingly, the presents are going to be harder to get as the houses have much more security and many of the presents are large. Because many of the presents are large, you'll have to sneak a lot of them out 1 by 1, and you will also be limited to usually two houses at a time due to the constraints of your vehicle. The van is highly recommended for collecting presents because of the extra large loot slots.
There are presents in all Richie R. St. houses except 203.
The achievement pops upon selling all the presents on BlackBay. If it doesn't pop right away, try loading a different map (ie: pawn shop) and see if that pops it.