Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Played five days in a row.
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| - Won Classic 16x16 without using auto open.
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- Classic 16x16 Professional
| - Won Classic 16x16 without using flags.
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| - Won Classic 30x16 without using auto open.
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- Classic 30x16 Professional
| - Won Classic 30x16 without using flags.
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| - Won Classic 9x9 without using auto open.
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| - Won Classic 9x9 without using flags.
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| - Not a single empty cell left unopened.
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| - Finished all levels in one theme on difficulty Easy.
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| - Won arcade game on level easy without using auto open.
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| - Won arcade game on level easy without using flags.
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| - Finished all levels in one theme on difficulty Easy(Solvable)
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| - Played three days in a row.
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| - Wined one level ten times in a row.
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| - Finished all levels in one theme on difficulty Hard.
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| - Won arcade game on level hard without using auto open.
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| - Won arcade game on level hard without using flags.
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- Hardcore(Solvable) - Done!
| - Finished all levels in one theme on difficulty Hard(Solvable)
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| - Exploded hundred times on a mine.
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| - Exploded ten times on a mine.
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| - Exploded fifty times on a mine.
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| - Finished all levels in one theme on difficulty Medium.
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| - Won arcade game on level medium without using auto open.
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| - Won arcade game on level medium without using flags.
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| - Finished all levels in one theme on difficulty Medium(Solvable)
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| - Played seven days in a row.
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| - Wined one level on all difficulty levels.
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| - Unlocked all currently available levels in one theme.
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