
Toy Soldiers: War Chest

Toy Soldiers: War Chest Cheats...

  Toy Soldiers: War Chest Walkthroughs

   Easy 'Always Stealing mah Kill...
   Easy 'Close Calls' Achievement...
   Easy 'Future Soldier' Achievem...
   Easy 'What's in the Box?' Achi...
   Various Achievements...

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Easy 'Always Stealing mah Kills' Achievement

To earn this Achievement you must get ten assists in a multiplayer match. This can be done- easily by setting up a local co-op game. Weekly war day one. Have your guest place a turret. Simply select that turret with your profiles controller and kill 10 enemies. They count as the guests kill as on their turret while you get assists.

Easy 'Close Calls' Achievement

This Achievement becomes unlocked when you Kill ten units threatening your toybox in one mission. To get it easily on any level just let the first wave of attackers make it to your toy box so they are close enough for you to get the message 'your toybox is under attack'. At this point any kills you make that count it will say 'close call'.

Easy 'Future Soldier' Achievement

This Achievement becomes unlocked when you complete the Phantom's Intro Campaign Mission. This will happen naturally as you play the game and complete the second mission in Campaign mode. No special action is needed.

Easy 'What's in the Box?' Achievement

To get this Achievement you must purchase a Blind Box pack. This can be easily done by saving up 2000 coins from normal playing, then going to the store and buying the 2,000 box for any character.


It is important to make sure you use the cash you earn after defeating enemies to upgrade your defense. Once you have upgraded a defensive structure you will notice a considerable difference in it's firing and armour.

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock

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