Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Achieve 100% in the single player challenges.
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| - Win by scoring more points than all other players combined (in 3 or 4-player mode).
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| - Be the player with fewer points at sometime and still win the game (in 3 or 4-player mode).
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- Everybody's Dead (secret)
| - All players have died in a short period of time (in 4-player mode).
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| - Retrieve 5 Treasures in a row in Treasure Hunt mode.
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| - Do not get killed in a Police Chase game.
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| - Get most of your kills when the Minute Madness is enabled.
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| - Get five kills without using your gun.
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| - Be the first one to capture the flag and never let go of it.
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| - Kill at least one player every time you are the police in a Police Chase game.
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| - Win a Dog Tag game with least kills.
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| - Keep the flag for two straight minutes in Capture the Flag mode.
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| - Perform 3 Triple Kills in a single match.
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