Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Get into the nomal bedroom.
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| - Have not be catched by the bear during the breaking wall event.
| - Hit the windows/mirrors for ten times.
| - Finish the underwater event.
| - Get out from the cubicle once.
- Good eyesight (40 points)
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| - Find the key when you break the light in the cave for the first time.
| - Touch the lights in the bedroom for five times.
| - Stay in the cave over three minutes.
- Master Locksmith (70 points)
| - Open the safe for the first time.
- Memory Corridor (30 points)
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| - Stop the bear get into the Inverted bedroom.
| - QTE success for the first time.
- Not good at this game (40 points)
| - Game over for three times.
| - Pull the Camera for five times.
| - Success to repair the dryer.
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- Secret of lights (30 points)
| - Turn off/on the lights for five times.
| - Throw the bear into water for the first time.
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| - Watch the peephole on the bedroom door for four times.