Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Complete all levels of the Mizumizu Woods.
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| - Complete all levels of the Dark Cave.
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| - Complete all levels of the Snowy Mountains.
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- Don't give me the cold shoulder...
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- I hate deforestation, but...
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| - Complete all levels of the Underworld.
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| - Complete all levels of the Magma Caves.
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| - Complete all levels of the Zen Garden.
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- Is it hot in here or is it just me?
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| - Defeat the Chronopectrus.
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| - Complete all levels of the Mizumizu Village.
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| - Complete all levels of the Wind Fortress.
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- She never takes off her mask, does she?
| - Defeat the Kitsune Spirit: Harumonia.
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| - Complete all levels of the Akuma Castle.
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| - Defeat the Shadow Morphus Beast.
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| - Defeat the Rockus Dragus.
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| - Defeat the Akuma Sorcerer: Gabuzato.
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| - Complete all levels of the Time Tower.
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