Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Successfully complete the second week plot.
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| - Successfully accomplish the events aimed at getting the super out of depression.
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- Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist
| - Accumulate more than 80,000 credits at the end of the day.
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| - Send non-compatible characters to the event.
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| - Successfully accomplish all the events of the day.
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| - Solve the super's problem.
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| - Distribute all supers to events.
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| - Successfully complete the first week plot.
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| - Lose a superhero at an event.
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| - Finish all the events of the plot.
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| - Open one exotic solution.
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| - Fail rat invasion mission.
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| - Send compatible characters to the event.
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| - Successfully complete the third week plot.
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