Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- A new Carl, a new Janitor!
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| - Receive cake from Walter as a gift.
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| - Interact with the Server for the first time.
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| - Write reports about five people.
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| - Do business with Magnus Hermann.
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| - Do not pay for the operation for Alex.
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| - Get to know Lotte Altmann.
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| - Gain access to all ministry floors!
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| - Buy something from the Black Market Trader.
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| - You can read and write, right?
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- One does not simply walk into...
| - Break into an apartment for the first time.
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| - Help Elisabeth Weckert to flee.
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| - Pay the ransom for Sabine.
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| - Pay for the operation for Alex.
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| - Have drugs in your inventory.
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| - Install your first camera.
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| - Get to know Stephen Huberts.
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| - Find the pistol in the bush.
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| - Don't pay the ransom for Sabine.
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| - Gain access to the ministry.
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