Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- All Your Base are Belong to Us
| - Liberate all base locations.
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| - Fully upgrade Pigeon Shuriken.
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| - Complete a Dr. East's side quest.
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| - Attempt to interrupt the villain's monologue.
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| - Complete all Mr. Jello's side quests.
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| - Complete a Mr. Jello's side quest.
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| - Complete all shooting gallery side quests.
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| - Liberate another base location.
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- Rewarding Your Rugged Individualism
| - Complete a Richman's side quest.
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| - Complete a Trixie's side quest.
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| - Complete all Trixie's side quests.
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| - Complete all Dr. East's side quests.
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| - Complete one shooting gallery side quest.
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| - Complete all Richman's side quests.
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