Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - You maxed out your health.
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| - You have destroyed the tower's crystal!
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| - You have reached the 10th floor.
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| - You have reached the 20th floor.
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| - You have reached the 30th floor.
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| - You have reached the 40th floor.
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| - You have reached the 50th floor.
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| - Your grappling hook is all-powerful.
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| - Your magnet is all-powerful.
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| - If only you knew how to swim.
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| - You have obtained the four orbs.
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| - Your pickaxe is all-powerful.
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| - You defeated the 1st boss.
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| - You found the 3rd dungeon's key.
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| - You defeated the 2nd boss.
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| - Your sword is all-powerful.
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| - Thank you for watching the credits.
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| - You beat this chapter in Speedrun mode.
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| - You beat this chapter in Normal mode.
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| - You beat this chapter in Unfair mode.
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| - You found the 1st dungeon's key.
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| - You found the 2nd dungeon's key.
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| - You found the 3rd dungeon's key.
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- You found your grappling hook!
| - You found the grappling hook you lost during the crash.
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| - You found the pickaxe you lost during the crash.
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| - You found the sword you lost during the crash.
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