Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
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| - We met a cute boxfox, they gotta eat too!
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| - We found a lot of buttons, and we pushed them all!
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| - Even spirits need to hitch a ride sometimes!
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| - Even when cornered, we keep going!
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| - Different timezones are no match for us!
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| - Sleeping only makes us stronger!
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| - Our spirit friends have reached their goal, we'll miss them!
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| - It wasn't blocking us from working together!
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| - Hedgar is pretty cool, so we decided to help him out!
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| - Ready for a new adventure!
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| - We helped Hedgar find the important glasses!
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| - Catty took a nap, and Hedgar saved the day!
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| - These looked really threatening, but weren't so bad!
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| - We made it across the heartvine bridge!
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