Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - I reached the Merging Station without assembling a new Bug.
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| - I left The Executor in charge at Conscious Robot Services.
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| - I found a way to skip the Parasite.
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| - I collected all Ego, Worms, Disks and MEM at a single location.
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- Conscious robots are people too
| - I completed the entire campaign without breaking a single conscious robot.
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| - I published the incriminating evidence.
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| - I fully WORMed a single Bug program.
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| - I collected all friendly Ego at a single location.
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| - Completed the campaign on moderate+ difficulty without detection or damaging conscious robots.
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| - I left no active hostiles behind during a single chapter of the campaign (not the Prelude or the Pro.
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| - I stopped the debugger faster than the developer of this game. Time to beat is three minutes flat.
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| - I defeated The Executor by running a kill script from his PC without him ever knowing I was there.
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| - I ctrl'd that there MUM in Legacy Systems.
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| - I unlocked access to the Inner Circle.
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| - I made it through the Legacy Systems firewall without signing in to the LAN.
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| - I brought Bug 0 with me to confront the Parasite.
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| - I merged back into the Bug Free Zone.
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| - I completed the entire campaign without Bug 22 ever being broken.
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| - I completed three missions outside of the campaign.
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| - I broke no bots during a single chapter of the campaign (not the Prelude or the Prologue)
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| - I installed a Bug program.
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| - I completed the entire campaign without installing a single Bug program.
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| - I installed all available Bug programs during a single run of the campaign.
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| - I fed every single Bug to GOD at The Cloud. All 8 of them. (Bug 22 is the 9th)
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- Severely Advanced Rocket Surgery
| - I completed the mission 'Advanced Rocket Surgery' on Severe difficulty.
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| - I reached the end of the Prelude without having been identified and without breaking any bots.
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| - I completed the entire campaign without lowering the difficulty under 'Strict'.
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| - I took a taxi to The Cloud.
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| - I reached the end of the Prelude.
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- They got what they deserved
| - I left no hostile robot active anywhere throughout the entire campaign.
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| - I fully assembled a new Bug using all the bits.
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| - I resolved the issue with the Big Fat Crate at THE TOWER (mission)
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| - I remained unidentified during a single chapter of the campaign (not the Prelude or the Prologue)
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| - I reached the end of the Ctrl Alt Ego campaign and bore witness to the best ending in a game ever.
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| - I completed the entire campaign without ever being identified.
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