Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- A day at the hamster races
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| - Have six hamsters with 80 stat points.
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| - Have 4 hamsters each with different stat at 40.
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| - Have a single hamster with 80 stat points.
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| - Fully customize your hamster.
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| - Have a hamster with every perk active.
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| - Have 6 hamsters with all perks active.
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| - Upgrade one equipment to level 3.
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| - Win 50 master level races.
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| - Fill every object slot in the house.
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| - Have all training and care equipment at level 3 in a single house.
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| - Have a race win streak of 10.
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| - Achieve perfect result in a race minigame 50 times.
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| - Complete 2 weekly questlines.
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| - Complete a monthly questline.
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| - Have 4 hamsters work simultaneously for 15 minutes continuously.
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| - Play 50 master level races.
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| - Have 500 seeds in your wallet.
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| - Complete whole weekly questline in a single day.
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