Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Successfully complete your mission on Bora.
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| - Raise a civilization of 10 million people.
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| - Win competitions with a total of 100 victory points.
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| - Win competitions with a total of 500 victory points.
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| - Win competitions with a total of 250 victory points.
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| - Successfully complete your mission on Edora.
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| - Win a competition without using fossil energy.
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| - Successfully complete your mission on Iqunox.
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| - Successfully complete your mission on Joma.
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| - Successfully complete your mission on Lorian.
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| - Successfully complete your mission on Magni.
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| - Build a capital by expanding a city center to level 4.
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| - License all constructs on a single planet.
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| - Successfully complete your mission on Rounos.
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| - Unlock all research entries.
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| - Successfully complete your mission on Thera.
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| - Successfully complete your mission on Tuto.
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| - Successfully complete your mission on Udion Torix.
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| - Create your own world in editor mode.
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