Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Collect all magazine upgrades.
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| - Kill an enemy by shoving them onto wall.
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| - Kick an enemy off a ledge.
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| - Dodge a bullet twenty times.
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| - Complete all achievements.
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| - Make one enemy push another into a wall, trap or ledge.
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| - Kill an enemy with a headshot after shooting him in the knee.
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| - Parry five enemy counters.
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| - Make one enemy kill another enemy.
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| - Destroy a lock with a hammer.
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| - Finish the game on the hard difficulty level.
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| - Collect all health upgrades.
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| - Shoot an enemy in the knee.
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- It was stupid but it worked
| - Lure a Titan for the first time.
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| - Disarm a shield with a kick.
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| - Open a hatch with a grapple hook.
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| - Strike a kneeling enemy with a heavy attack.
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| - Finish the game on any difficulty level.
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| - Check all hints in the pause menu.
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| - Shoot an enemy while catching them.
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| - Damage five enemies with an explosion.
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| - Shoot an enemy above their kneeling ally.
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| - Kill twenty enemies with a headshot.
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| - Lure a Titan three times.
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| - Collect every log and upgrade.
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| - Shoot an enemy when he is staggered after bumping into a wall or another enemy.
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| - Make ten enemies fall from a ledge.
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| - Make an enemy die of electricity.
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| - Shoot an enemy with a shield in the knee.
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| - Make an enemy die of fire.
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| - Make an enemy die of acid.
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| - Rip out bars with a grapple hook.
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