Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- Archaeologist's Appraisal
| - Robin collected 20 items with Archaeologist's Appraisals.
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| - Cleared all Memory Links.
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| - Defeat one powerful challenge enemy.
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- Challenge Enemy Conqueror
| - Defeat all the powerful challenge enemies twice or more.
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| - Sanji collected 25 items with Cook's Nose.
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| - Collected 6 of Brook's cube fragments.
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| - Collected 30 of Chopper's cube fragments.
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| - Collected 20 of Franky's cube fragments.
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| - Collected 50 of Luffy's cube fragments.
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| - Collected 30 of Nami's cube fragments.
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| - Collected 30 of Robin's cube fragments.
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| - Collected 40 of Sanji's cube fragments.
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| - Collected 40 of Usopp's cube fragments.
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| - Collected 50 of Zoro's cube fragments.
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| - Cleared the final chapter.
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| - Built a bridge 10 times with Franky Skywalk.
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| - Traveled with Gum-Gum Rocket 100 times.
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| - Got everyone past level 70.
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| - Cut 20 doors with Zoro's Door Slice.
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| - Made an accessory with 4 effects.
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| - Cleared all side stories.
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| - Obtained a total of 20,000,000 berries.
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| - Did more than 10,000 damage to an enemy with a single attack.
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| - Opened all the locked treasure chests.
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| - Nami collected 25 Items with Treasure Sensor.
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| - Used Usopp's Shot 100 times.
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