Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Kept workforce over 1000 at 100% efficiency for 100 ticks.
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| - Built all non empty modules and systems in a station.
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| - Connected too many systems to a single cable.
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| - Completed the Mission: Second Home.
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| - Had system cables cross each other hundred times.
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| - Completed the Mission: Wormhole.
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| - Had five different overused production pipelines.
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| - Built three penrose generators.
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- Go to university they said
| - Built all "Science" modules.
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| - Spent 10,000 K on modules.
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| - Built all "Defense" modules.
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| - Had ten projects ongoing simultaneously.
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- Meet new people they said
| - Built all "Commerce" modules.
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| - Built eight modules, completed three projects and fully connected ten systems in hundred ticks.
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| - Built five workforce modules.
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| - Completed the Mission: Protective Shield.
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| - Completed fifteen projects.
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| - Unlocked your first researchable module.
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| - Crossed an Energy and Water Pipeline.
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| - Placed two workforce-related modules ten modules apart.
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| - Had 150 unused work force.
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| - Had all workforce buildings be only 50% efficient for 100 ticks.
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| - Placed system pipelines over 5,000 grid points.
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| - Reached 200 K upkeep cost.
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| - Completed all other achievements.
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