Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
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| - Crafted a weapon upgrade for all weapons.
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| - Scanned first natural resource.
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| - Killed an enemy while it was affected by the Holo-lure.
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| - Discovered the Metahedron vista.
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| - Reached the Grassy Plains.
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| - Ignited multiple enemies with a single Flammable Liquid charge.
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| - Learned of Kate's special status.
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| - Scanned the first hostile creature.
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- Destructive Tool Collection
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- Destructive Tool Printing
| - Used the Mobile Printing Unit to craft the Thermic Charger.
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| - Defeated the Neuro-parasite.
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| - Found the crashed remains of the Hermes.
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| - Discovered Robinsons' transformation into the Alluvial King and had to kill him.
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| - Used the shield to deflect incoming damage that would have killed you.
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| - Defeated the Feliform Cadaver.
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| - Weathered the mysterious storm.
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- I Just Wanted You to See Her
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- Improvise, Adapt, Overcome
| - Crafted the first gadget.
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| - Scanned a Knowledge Cube.
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| - Scanned all available unique natural resources.
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| - Caused an elemental reaction.
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| - Defeated the Omega and the Custodian.
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| - Unlocked a tier 4 ability.
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| - Activated your first pillar.
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- Putting Together the Initial Pieces
| - Solved the Alien Console puzzle.
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| - Unlocked the first ability.
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| - Used the pulse scan to reveal an enemy weak point.
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| - Scanned all hostile creatures.
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| - Killed an enemy while it was in the frozen state.
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| - Crafted the first consumable.
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- The Body Must Be Cleansed
| - Investigated the area around Richard's backpack and figured out where he went.
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| - Learned of the mysterious code hidden in genes.
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| - Crafted a weapon upgrade.
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| - Kept an enemy within the Gravity Trap for its whole duration.
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