Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- All Beans and Forgiveness
| - Made it down to the Canteen and talked with Roy.
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| - Made it to the roof of Accommodation.
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- Bheir an cuan a chuid fhèin a-mach
| - Completed the game in Scottish Gaelic.
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| - Find every reachable dead crew member.
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- Breathe In, Breathe Out, Repeat
| - Escaped from Engineering.
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| - Listen to every optional phonecall.
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| - Watched the Helicopter Crash.
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| - Got back to Roy in the Canteen.
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| - Put out a fire with an extinguisher.
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| - Die in all possible ways.
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| - Died from falling into the sea five times in different places.
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| - Hit a monster with a throwable.
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| - Used all electrical interaction types on the Beira D.
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| - Sprint in all movement modes and traversals.
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- Into the Belly of the Beast
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| - Throw a throwable into the sea.
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| - Spot a monster while leaning.
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| - Pick up and throw 50 different throwables.
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| - Spend too much time in the shower room.
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| - Find Roy's Spoon after the sinking.
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- Not so Good with the 'Leccy
| - Die in all electrical hazards on the Beira D.
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| - Listen to the whole Shipping Forecast.
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| - Visit every enterable cabin in the game.
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| - Talk to everyone in the Intro.
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| - Escaped from the Pontoons.
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- The Drowning of Davey Rennick
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- The Sickening of the Calm
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| - Escaped from Flooded Engineering.
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| - Completed the game without sprinting for more than 10 total minutes.
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