Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- A weird bug fashion statement...
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| - Use all elevators in QoTech.
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| - Find Kitbash in Syzygy City.
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- Best not to think about it
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- Creature from the Razak Lagoon
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- Defensive Protocol Completed
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| - Defeat an enemy with the Firefly Drone.
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| - Obtain all four command codes.
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| - Find Refresh in Syzygy City.
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| - Clear the PRO COLLECTION in Emi's Hacklist.
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| - Successfully hack all terminals in the game.
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| - Complete Professional Mode.
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| - Complete your first hack.
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| - Completely fill Biohack applet with abilities.
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- Nobody ever notices me...
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| - Defeat an enemy with the Zorlon Cannon.
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| - Clear the GATEWAY COLLECTION in Emi's Hacklist.
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| - Clear the STAR COLLECTION in Emi's Hacklist.
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