
Evoland 2

Evoland 2 Cheats...

  Evoland 2 Walkthroughs

   Crossed Wires Puzzle...
   Prison Door Password...
   Prison Escape...
   Secret Cave...

Crossed Wires Puzzle

One of the first puzzles you will recieve will involve crossed wires. To progress in the game you will need to solve this puzzle in order to get a key to a mansion and find the sword which is inside. To solve the puzzle simply follow from a number at the top, down the wire, crossing across any connections, and then finding the one that leads to the fish on the second hook. The solution in number four.

Prison Door Password

When you reach the end of the prison area you will come to a door that will require a password. The four passwords you need to solve this puzzle are:

Defeats all the rest

Prison Escape

To escape from the prison you will need the help of the cardboard box which can be found in the room to the left once you have completed the stealth sections. If you are spotted by a guard just stand completely still to drop to the ground and hide in the cardboard box and there's a chance that the guard will ignore you entirely. After you lose the box you need to rely on hiding in shadows to make your escape.

Secret Cave

About an hour into the game you will come across a waterful on your way up a mountain which you can just pass through, however if you walk into the wall behind the waterfall you will discover a secret cave with some treasure.

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