Door Combination and Chipmunk
Door Combination: Hints were: to count letters, and that the code had something to do with the word Wade = 2314
W = 23rd letter of the alphabet
A = 1st letter of the alphabet
D = 4th letter of the alphabet
The panel opens:
1) collect a rotor handle
2) collect nut that drops out of pipe (nut looks like a strawberry)
Give nut to Chipmunk = collect chipmunk
Edit: Drag and drop the nut down the pipe just above the chipmunk.
Eye Positions for panel
After you collect the Chipmunk. Look to the very back of the chamber it was in. The position of those tiny arrows, is how you are to face the eyes on the panel. The panel will drop down, exposing the Snake Puzzle and a stuffed Owl behind bars.