
Heroes of Shaola

Heroes of Shaola Cheats...

  Heroes of Shaola Walkthroughs

   Brinsbourne's Easter Egg...
   Executive Disorder...
   Power Mace and Dragon Armor...

Brinsbourne's Easter Egg

There is a hidden path right next to the cave in northwest outside of the brinsbourne city (the place where you and rhyn the elf) first arrived. The chest contains really high quality weapons. You must accept the side quest from the Ankanian man and then defeat the two monsters inside that cave to access that secret path.

Executive Disorder

There is a piano in the Executive Disorder level that, when played properly, will reveal a purple keycard needed to access the secret level. In order to activate it, press the WHITE keys, numbered from left to right, in this order. (Black keys are not counted for numbering purposes) 9, 8, 6, 9, 8, 4. If entered correctly, the floor will sink down, and the purple keycard will be in a little alcove behind you. Once you've beaten the boss, and descend in a long elevator ride, the locked purple door will be nearby, leading to the secret level.

Power Mace and Dragon Armor

They are the two very best goodies in the game. The only way to get them is to "thank" (from multiple choices) arthur during the orcs scene. Later he'll give the armor to you as a gift. To get the power mace, you'll have to accept the Prince offer to kill his brother.


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