
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Cheats...

  Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Walkthroughs

   Apartment Memorial...
   Blowing Up: Explore the constr...
   Chapter 8: Bravura lives...
   Completion Bonuses...
   Defeating Vlad...
   Extra pain killers...
   Extra Uzi...
   Help from the goonies...
   In-game reset...
   Mad Policemen...
   Max Payne references...
   Mike the cowboy...
   Part 1, Chapter 1: Hidden item...
   Part 1, Chapter 4: Old woman...
   Part 1, Chapter 6: Kung Fu Pos...
   Part 1, Chapter 7: Secret memo...
   Part 1,Chapter 7: Moaning woma...
   Part 3, Chapter 4: Protecting ...
   Poets Of The Fall references...
   Restore health...
   Special Ending...
   Surviving in Dead Man Walking ...
   Television shows...
   Theme Song...
   Unlock all levels ...
   Wall Sparks...

Apartment Memorial

During the level where you have to find a member of the inner circle in a fancy apartment complex, go to the part where two cleaners are outside the window on the lift. Kill them both and jump down from ledge to ledge until you reach the bottom. Run along the edge of the building until you hear a shotgun blast from the inside and see someone flying out of a window. Kill the cleaner in his apartment but do not go in. Continue along the buildings edge for slightly longer and you will find an open window. Inside, is a memorial for someone.

Blowing Up: Explore the construction site

In the Blowing Up level, when you get out to the support beams where a huge hole has been blown, jump down to the floor below you. Then jump down to the one below that. You can explore the ground levels. You can even walk through the giant spools.

Chapter 8: Bravura lives

In Chapter 8 Continued, you will start on a flight of stairs. At the top, Vlad gives a little speech. Once you get through the electric door and into the hall where the agents are and have killed them, go over to the television in the corner and turn it on. A news report will start, mentioning the gang violence from 2001 (the original Max Payne) and that the Bravura is still alive in stable condition at the hospital.

Completion Bonuses

Complete the game under the 'Detective' difficulty setting to unlock the Hard Boiled, New York Minute, and Dead Man Walking modes. Complete the game under the 'Hard-Boiled' difficulty setting to unlock Dead On Arrival mode.

Defeating Vlad

As the battle starts, equip your MP5 and enter the scope mode. Look above the Vlad's location to see four cylinder-like wooden pipes holding the sitting-place (the square-like place that Vlad is on). Shoot the wooden pipes and they will fall out of their places. Remember to dodge Vlad's dynamite. As you shoot the last pipe, the sitting-place will fall down but Vlad is still out of your view. Look up again to see four more wooden pipes that are preventing a large pillar from falling down. Shoot the pipes out and the pillar will fall down, making Vlad move aside avoiding the pillar. After that Vlad, is in your view. Equip any desired weapon (M4 Carbine recommended) and finish him off. Beware of Vlad's molotov burning bombs. When Vlad is on the platform, after he throw the cocktail and says 'I haven't forgotten about you Max', look up above the platform. Then go into Bullet Time and shoot the wooden poles. After that the platform falls but he is still hidden, look up again and shoot the wooden poles again. Do not forget to go into Bullet Time. After the big spike falls, go into Bullet Time again. Vlad will pop up and try to shoot you, leaving him open. Use the MP5 to get a more accurate shot.
When you fight Vlad, he throws dynamite into the room. Go back in the room to find ammunition for the MP5 and M4.

Extra pain killers

At the start of the game, turn around and open the middle locker. Inside will be two bottles of pain killers to take whenever needed. You can find pain killers and ammunition in the back of the black truck outside the warehouse.

Extra Uzi

When you just enter the warehouse and see the little cubicle with the television inside, go a few yards to the right and climb on top of the boxes. Jump across and you will get an Uzi.

Help from the goonies

In the chapter where you get some "help" by a few of the goonies, use the following tricks. When they shoot their guns, stay behind them. Secondly, let them take care of all the cleaners and masked men (which will lead into the following tip). If there are any remaining, have an automatic gun ready and cap all of them. One of the goonies will be reminded of your name being Max Payne and they will turn on you.

In-game reset

Hold Start + Select during game play.

Mad Policemen

In the chapter where Max is suspended inside the police station, go into the rec-room. There will be two policemen sitting on a couch watching television. Walk up to the television and shut it off. The policemen will make comments to Max and they will get mad at him, but will not actually do anything.

Max Payne references

In the beginning scene in the hospital, there is a nursery in the corridor just before you enter the elevator. Although you cannot access the room, examine the pictures on display. They are from the original Max Payne storyline. The first is Max and his family outside a house. The second is of his wife and child dead. The third is of Max crying while holding a gun.

Mike the cowboy

The first time you see Mike (Vlad's friend), he will be helpful. Much later, you will have to fight him. To avoid that fight against Mike, let him take care of every mobster in Ragnarok. He should get killed. If this does not happen, after the final Mob fight, kill him just after the intermission sequence that presents the names of Vlad and Vincent. You should be able to take care of three to four enemies without his help.

Part 1, Chapter 1: Hidden items

In the beginning when you are outside of the warehouse in the rain, there are two vans in front of you. One of the vans will be locked. Open either the side or back doors of the other van to get Painkillers and a 9mm pistol. In the warehouse after the cleaning imposter tries to trick you, kill his teammate. In the room his teammate came out of is a forklift with a board and two barrels. One is an explosive. Push the lever on the forklift and the board will slide backwards, allowing you to walk up it. Then, jump to the box. Turn around, then jump to the other box. Jump to the box next to it with a open box to find grenades, painkillers, and ammunition.

Part 1, Chapter 4: Old woman

When chasing after Mona, if you try to open the door of apartment A308, the old woman inside will issue a warning that she called the cops and they are coming to take Max away.

Part 1, Chapter 6: Kung Fu Poster

Go through the fun house until you reach Mona's hideout. Once inside, look around Mona's gym area and should find a poster of the famous Max Payne Mod 'Kung Fu' by Kenneth Yeung.

Part 1, Chapter 7: Secret memorial altar

When you get to the windows cleaners elevator, go to the bottom of it. When you get to the open window where you are supposed to go inside, instead follow the panel until you find an open window and hear a "holy" sound. Enter and you will be a place with red drapery and a book.

Part 1,Chapter 7: Moaning woman

When you walk out of the elevator, make a sharp left. Where you find a locked door, walk into it and try to open it. You will hear a woman moaning in pleasure.

Part 3, Chapter 4: Protecting Vinnie and maintaining 8 Painkillers

When the level starts, Vinnie will hide behind a wall panel and wait for you to kill the three upcoming commandos. Make use of the Kalashinikhov and Bullet Time. Do a slow motion side dive, kill two commandos, and hide behind the panel. When the third comes, kill him without using Bullet Time ,but still make use of the Kalashinikhov. Then, follow Vinnie to the next room. There will be two windows from which commandos and Russians will pour out from. If you want to maintain 8 Painkillers, do not go out into the parking lot. Instead, wait behind the huge box which is between the two windows. When you see a Russian or commando coming through, use the Ingrams to take them out. Repeat this and you will find the parking lot is empty. However, do not think that the battle is over. Go to the window, but do not go out. Equip a MP5 or sniper. When you use the scope, you will find that the Russians will climb the walls and jump down. At the maximum, kill two Russians before they jump down and wait inside the room. Russians will come through both the windows at the same time. When you see the Russians heading to Vinnie's hiding place, throw two grenades in Slow Motion and immediately eliminate the Russians who are coming towards you in Slow Motion (use the Kalashinikhov). When Vinnie runs into the next room, there will be Russians hiding behind the big metal box. Eliminate them there, but do not waste the Bullet Time on them. After you have killed all of them, run and wait for Vinnie to tell you that there is an elevator in the next room. However, do not follow him there yet. First, eliminate the Russians who are coming, then follow him. By now you may have lost half your life. Use the Painkillers. There are four more in the next room. Vinnie will run into the elevator. Once there you can make two choices. Either go into the elevator after throwing two grenades and using Bullet Time and the Ingrams while you are inside the elevator; or wait outisde, eliminate all the Russians, then call the elevator again. You are now in Vinnie's apartment. Admire it once, listen to "TA NA NA TA NA NA TA NAAA NA TANA NA NA" song, and go to the balcony. Use the MP5 and eliminate all the commandos in the compound. Then, Vinnie will jump down. Jump after him and watch as a black van with three commandos jump out. Use the Kalashinikhov and Bullet Time and follow Vinnie. Vinnie wiil be in open ground and be a perfect target for ten commandos. You now not only must protect Vinnie, but at the same time kill ten commandos. Use the MP5 and kill as many commandos as you can in Hardcore Bullet Time. As you kill them, more will jump out .Throw at least three grenades and make Hardcore use of the Ingrams, Kalashinikhov, M4 carbine (if available), and definitely use the grenades. After four or five tries, you will finally get through it. If you lose health, do not worry. It is easy from now on. Run into the next room. You will see Vinnie on top of a car. Run up the stairs and activate the button. Watch as the car moves up and Vinnie will run and hide behind a box as three or four commandos run in. Make more use of the Bullet Time and M4 Carbine. Then, follow Vinnie down and towards his van. More commandos will rush in. Use the grenades, Kalashikhov, and Bullet Time to end the level.

Poets Of The Fall references

On some levels, you will hear the song "Late Goodbye" For example, in Chapter 4, when the janitor tells you the code for the door in one of the beginning chapters, he hums the songto himself. In Chapter 6, when you reach Mona's room, you can hear her trying to sing the song. In Chapter 7, before you kill the cleaners playing the piano, you can hear one of them playing a little section of that song. Near the end of the game, in one of the dreams, you see a cleaner trying to clean graffiti, singing the song.

Restore health

Save during game play, then return to the main menu. Load the game and you will have full health when you resume.

Special Ending

Successfully complete the game in Dead On Arrival mode.

Surviving in Dead Man Walking mode

Choose the first Dead Man Walking level. You will start behind a van. When you just enter the level, quickly get the painkillers and go behind the van where you started. Use your camera with intelligence to see when the enemy is coming. Quickly enter slow motion and kill him with a quick weapon. Then, repeat the procedure. When they die, go in bullet time and get the weapon. When the enemy number starts growing, use your grenades and Molotovs. Note: Bullet time, and not shootdodging, is very essential to stay alive in the first place. Use it wisely.

Television shows

If you are near a television, you can see a show that somehow reflects your life. The one that most copies your life is "Address Unknown".

Theme Song

Play the piano with the dead body on top of it. Max will attempt to play his theme song.

Unlock all levels

During game play press Square, Square, Square, X, Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Square, Square, X, Left, Right, Left, Right. Now press Start+ Select to go back to the main menu and pick the New game option. All game modes and levels should now be unlocked.

Wall Sparks

On any of the levels where you are in the fancy apartments with the cleaners, find a flat-screen television. Take out your shotgun and shoot the television. It should fall off the wall like a painting. You should notice smoke coming from the wall where the TV was located. Walk up to the smoke and press the Square. It will make sparks on the wall, as if the television was still on it.

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