
WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2009

WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2009 Cheats...

  WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2009 Walkthroughs

   American Flag Entrance...
   Career mode belts...
   Chris Jericho (Attitude era)...
   CM Punk alternate costume...
   Create-A-Superstar Move-sets #...
   Create-A-Superstar Pre-Moveset...
   Created superstar abilities...
   Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder...
   Eddie Guerrero created wrestle...
   Edit your created superstar's ...
   Gauntlet Match: Fight for a ti...
   Gene Snitsky...
   Gollum created wrestler...
   Hornswoggle as manager...
   Jillian Hall...
   Layla (ECW)...
   Preset entrances...
   Preset finisher call names...
   Preset movesets...
   Rey Mysterio's alternate costu...
   Road To WrestleMania Unlockabl...
   Saturday Night's Main Event ve...
   Tazz (ECW)...
   The Boogeyman...
   Vince McMahon...

American Flag Entrance

Complete John Cena's Road to Wrestlemania.


Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding award.

AwardHow to unlock

Career mode belts

Complete the indicated task in Career mode to unlock the corresponding belt.

BeltHow to unlock

Chris Jericho (Attitude era)

Enter AltJerichoModelSvR09 as a case-sensitive code.

CM Punk alternate costume

Enter CMPunkAltCostumeSvR! as a case-sensitive code.

Create-A-Superstar Move-sets #1 and #2

At "No Way Out", have Batista lose to Edge during Rey Mysterio/Batista's Road to WrestleMania XXIV to unlock a Move-set for CAS mode. Do the same thing for Rey Mysterio to unlock another Move-set for CAS Mode.

Create-A-Superstar Pre-Movesets #1 and #2

During Rey Mysterio/Batista's Road to WrestleMania XXIV, have Batista win the Royal Rumble, Rey Mysterio lose to Edge at No Way Out, then have Batista lose the World Tag Team Championship against John Morrison and The Miz to unlock a Create-A-Superstar Pre-Moveset. Do the same for Rey Mysterio, except for the match with Edge at No Way Out in which you will have to use Batista.

Created superstar abilities

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding ability for a created superstar in Career mode.

AbilityHow to unlock

Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder

Enter Ryder&HawkinsTagTeam as a case-sensitive code.

Eddie Guerrero created wrestler

Use the following customizations.

Template 5


Head Morphing
Head: (5, -8, -25)
Forehead: (0, 0, -20, 0)

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: (-100, 100, 0, -68)
Eyes: (20, -20, -20, 0, 8, 70, -36)
Nose: (-13, -36, 100, -25, 60, -38, 21, 10)
Cheeks: (-50, -100, 22, 0)
Mouth: (-16, -42, -10, 0, -30, 0, -31)
Jaw: (100, 34, 0, -15, 0, 39)
Ears: (18, 23, -36, 0)
Skin Aging: 72

Height: 175 cm
Body Type: 0

Body Morphing
Neck: (-68, 22, 25)
Chest: (14, -5, 12)
Shoulders: (-48, 23, -32)
Abdomen: (-44, 19, 12)
Waist: (-15, 9)
Arms: (-61, -21, 13)
Hands: (0, 0, 0)
Legs: (-5, -9, 0)
Feet: (-20, 0, -22)

1. Definition: 4/9
2. Skin Tone: 6/12 (89, 3, 1)
3. Eye Type: 1/9 (90, 30, -14)
4. Eyebrows: 14/39 (87, 0, 0)
5. Eyelashes: 15/15
6. Lips: 14/17 (95, 12, 6)
7. Teeth: Default
8. Hair: 67/71 (85, 5, 2)
9. Underwear: 5/23 (default color)
10. Marks/Scars: 20/23 (89, 3, 0, 60)
11. Marks/Scars: 1/23 (88, 4, -4, 80)
12. Templates: 12/27 (87, 0, -5, 100)
13. Mustache: 5/13 (89, -10, 0, 100)
14. Goatee: 9/14 (89, -10, 0, 50)
15. Head Symbols: 95/149 second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical (90, -40, 28, 50)
16. Arms/Wrists: Both Arms 1/21, set length to 10 then switch to 19/21 (-38, -100, -4, 100)
17. Left Arm WWE Logos: 69/102 rotate once smallest horizontal, second largest vertical (89, 0, -28, 15)
18. Left Arm WWE Logos: 69/102 second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical (89, 0, -28, 15)
19. Wrestling Tights: 1/18 (-38, -100, -74, 100, 100)
20. Leg Tattoos: Both legs 94/159 (90, -20, 18, 100)
21. Leg Tattoos: Both legs 90/159 (90, -20, 18, 100)
22. Leg Tattoos: Both legs 1/159 (90, -20, 18, 100)
23. Boots/Shoes: 29/37 (93, 35, 7) (-38, -100, -45)
24. Right Knee Symbols: 99/149 second largest horizontal and vertical (89, -46, -11, 100)
25. Right Knee Symbols: 99/149 rotate once second largest horizontal, second smallest vertical (89, -46, -11, 100)
26. Right Knee Lettering: 13/17 letter "x" second largest horizontal and vertical (90, -20, 18, 100)
27. Left Knee Symbols: 99/149 second largest horizontal and vertical (89, -46, -11, 100)
28. Left Knee Symbols: 99/149 rotate once second largest horizontal, second smallest vertical (89, -46, -11, 100)
29. Left Knee Lettering: 13/17 letter "x" second largest horizontal and vertical (90, -20, 18, 100)
30. Right Knee Symbols: 4/149 second largest horizontal and vertical (-38, -100, -31, 100)
31. Left Knee Symbols: 4/149 second largest horizontal and vertical (-38, -100, -31, 100)
Name: Eddie Guerrero
Nickname: Default
Nickname Placement: None
HUD Name: Guerrero
Announcer Introduction: The Legend
Hometown: El Paso, TX
Weight Class: 103 kg (Light Heavyweight)
Crowd Reaction: Good
Show: Legend

Edit your created superstar's or diva's abilities

Restart your career mode with the same superstar or diva you used. You will lose all your gained abilities. However, there is a downside: You will take longer to gain Resiliency if your attributes are higher, and if you are above 80 overall you will not be able to get Durability. Always create doubles of a CAW or CAS immediately after making them. By doing this you can start over with the unused copy and gain those Resiliency and Durability in a quicker amount of time if you end up gaining unwanted abilities.

Gauntlet Match: Fight for a title

When choosing the Gauntlet match, the only belt you can fight for is the Hardcore Championship.

Gene Snitsky

Enter UnlockSnitskySvR2009 as a case-sensitive code.

Gollum created wrestler

Use the following settings.

Name: Gollum
Height: 160 cm
Head: 82,96,63
Forehead: 8,-94,-96,-20
Eyebrows: -100,-54,23,100
Eyes: 100,100,-9,74,2,98,-2
Nose: -29,-100,10,-16,-7,10,10,40
Cheek: -75,-97,-100,20
Mouth: 71,-100,-15,2,28,54,-100
Jaw: -100,6,-23,-44,-100,-100
Ears: 59,-35,58,62
Body type: 0
Neck: -52,-100,-100
Chest: -40,-66,-92
Shoulders: 5,-45,-100
Abdomen: -96,-100,-17
Waist: -53,-54
Arms: -100,-57,-59
Hands: 63,0,0
Legs: -100,-39,-41
Feet: 59,100,-68
Skin aging 40
1. Definition 9/9
2. Skin tone 3/12: 90,-23,-8,12
3. Eye type 2/9: -11,-3,25
4. Eyebrows 20/39: 57,_47,28
5. Eyelashes 15/15 default
6. Lips 12/1793,-7,0
7. Teeth 3/14: 79,18,-1
8. Hair 44/71 (comb over): -100,-58,40,100
9. Underwear 23/23: 78,-63,-51
10. Face Mark/scars 20/23: -100,-11,-11,0

Hornswoggle as manager

Enter HornswoggleAsManager as a case-sensitive code.

Jillian Hall

Enter PlayAsJillianHallSvR as a case-sensitive code.

Layla (ECW)

Enter UnlockECWDivaLayla09 as a case-sensitive code.

Preset entrances

The preset entrances are as follows.

Champion Entrances
John Morrison
John Cena
Big Daddy V
Big Show
The Great Khali
Mark Henry
Randy Orton
The Rock
Torrie Wilson
Trish Stratus

1. Lita
2. Trish Stratus
3. Maria (old)
4. Torrie

1. Sgt Slaughter
2. Eddie Guerrero
3. Hulk Hogan
4. Bret Hart
5. Terry Funk
6. Roddy Piper
7. Rick Rude
8. Jim Neidhart
9. Mick Foley
10. Steve Austin
11. Dusty Rhodes
12. The Rock

1. Kurt Angle
2. Booker T
3. King Booker
4. Chris Masters
5. RVD
6. Sabu
7. Sandman (ramp entrance)
8. Test
9. Kenny Dykstra
10. Bobby Lashley
11. Gregory Helms
12. Kevin Thorn (post-vampire)
13. Balls Mahoney

John Cena 2
Chris Jericho (old)
Randy Orton (old)
Shawn Michaels (DX)
Triple H (DX)

Preset finisher call names

The preset finisher call names are as follows.

Aztec Suplex
Black Tiger Bomb
Burning Hammer
Chaos Theory
Demon Horns
Falcon Arrow
Ghetto Blaster
Go Home Driver
Impact Driver
Money Maker
Original Sin
Package Piledriver
Perfect Driver
Psycho Driver
Rising Sun
Royal Mutilation
The Destroyer
The Finisher
Tiger Driver
Torture Rack
Uber Driver

Preset movesets

The preset movesets are as follows.

M-Set01: Gregory Helms
M-Set02: Charlie Haas
M-Set03: Val Venis
M-Set04: Jamie Noble
M-Set05: Shane McMahon
M-Set06: Rob Van Dam
M-Set07: Sabu
M-Set08: Sandman
M-Set09: Bobby Lashley
M-Set10: Test
M-Set11: Balls Mahoney
M-Set12: Kevin Thorn
M-Set13: Tajiri
M-Set14: Brock Lesnar
M-Set15: Goldberg
M-Set16: Kurt Angle
M-Set17: Christian Cage
M-Set18: Booker-T
M-Set19: Rhino
M-Set20: Brother Ray
M-Set21: Brother Devon
M-Set22: Samoa Joe
M-Set23: AJ Styles
M-Set24: Christopher Daniels
M-Set25: The Rock
M-Set26: Steve Austin
M-Set27: Mick Foley
M-Set28: Eddie Guerrero
M-Set29: Roddy Piper
M-Set30: Bret Hart

Rey Mysterio's alternate costume

Enter BooyakaBooyaka619SvR as a case-sensitive code.

Road To WrestleMania Unlockables

UnlockableHow to Unlock

Saturday Night's Main Event venue

Enter SatNightMainEventSvR as a case-sensitive code.

Tazz (ECW)

Enter UnlockECWTazzSvR2009 as a case-sensitive code.

The Boogeyman

Enter BoogeymanEatsWorms!! as a case-sensitive code.

Vince McMahon

Enter VinceMcMahonNoChance as a case-sensitive code.

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